The need for hygiene should be the top priority for every single person. As a part of hygiene we wash our hands frequently, clean fruits and vegetables, take bath, and wash clothes. For all cleaning purposes we use water and in every household tap water is the common source of water. The concern is, Is your tap water safe? Is your tap water hygiene enough to be used for cleaning your food, your home, and yourself? Are you aware of the fact that your tap water may contain multiple bacteria, viruses, and impurities? Drinking water we make safe by using RO water purifiers
RO water purifiers remove heavy metals, chemicals like iron, lead, mercury, arsenic, chlorine, fluoride and make your drinking water 100% unadulterated for consumption.
Tap water is used for all household activities as well as for personal hygiene. You use this tap water for brushing your teeth, taking bath, and washing hands without realizing that the tap water you are using is full of bacteria. Let us see common practices used to remove bacteria from tap water:
Boiling water is the most common method to remove bacteria. It removes bacteria and kills all other pathogens. But you can't assure 100% purity. And also boring water sounds good for drinking purposes, but for other household activities, this is not practical.
Ultraviolet rays kill the bacteria and pathogens in the water. Keeping water under the sun is not a practical solution. It may invite insects and other contamination.
Filtration is a great way to purify your drinking water but not applicable for household activities.
The most effective way to remove bacteria from tap water is using UV water purifiers. Aquaneeta Captiyo UV+UF water purifier is advanced water purification for your household. This water purifier is with the combination of (UV) Ultraviolet and UF(Ultrafiltration ) technology. UV kills bacteria and UF technology through a hollow membrane removes solid particles and large molecules. You can install a Captiyo UV+UF water purifier under your home’s bathroom sink, kitchen sink, and washbasin. UV & UF water purification techniques can easily purify water from bacteria. This system can be used to protect against water-borne diseases. Using enough radiation at certain intensity UV lights are emitted to kill the bacteria and other microorganisms. UV radiation is so effective that it is powerful enough to kill 99%bacteria and viruses and also waterborne illnesses such as typhoid, cholera, flue hepatitis.
Aquaneeta is one of the leading water purifier dealers in Kerala. We provide the best UV water purifiers, RO water purifiers, and water filters in the market. For all your water purification needs contact us. Purify Water and Enjoy Healthy Life!
Aquaneeta is the leading manufacturer of domestic reverse-osmosis(RO)+UV drinking water filtration systems in India. We are based out of the City of Cochin, Ernakulam where we custom design and build our famous Reverse Osmosis Systems.